Kashmir issues:-Explain by( Nasir azmi !)

Hello Friends!!

When the Britishers were leaving India on 15th August in 1947,
the share that we got in that, about 40 percent of which was part of the princely estate,
we did not get it.
And the Britishers said that it is the wish of the princely states
they can join India or can join Pakistan or they can stay independent.
There were approximately 565 princely states.
If I remove the part of Pakistan, then also there were approx 535 princely states.
They were to be merged to form a nation, which was not an easy task
This task was given to Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel who was then deputy prime minister of India.
The law says that the princely states were to be asked,
whether or not they want to join India.
This does not happen in the real world.
When a country is formed, all right and wrong ways are followed.
The small princely states knew the consequences,
they had seen the rebellion.
They were not brave enough to go against India,
they joined India.
The rest of the princely states, some were intimidated by love, some by terror,
Different methods were used.
And the princely states which joined India were made to sign a document
called "Instrument of accession"(Vilay Patra in Hindi).
This document " Instrument of accession" was the same for all the princely states.
Patel Ji has completed his task very nicely,
all the princely states were merged with India.
There were problems in just three places- 1. Junagarh 2. Hyderabad 3. Jammu and Kashmir.
Junagarh's population was Hindu and the king was Muslim.
He did not want to join India,
he wanted to join Pakistan.
On the 15th of September 1947, he signed an agreement with Pakistan,
and merged Junagarh with Pakistan.
If we see law, any princely state wishing to join India or Pakistan,
they can do it.
The rebellion was caused and the king of Junagarh fled to Pakistan.
And when things were at peace, a plebiscite was conducted.
A plebiscite means that the citizens of Pakistan will vote
and decide whether he should go to Pakistan or India
And when the plebiscite was conducted, then 99% of the voting
were in favor of merging with India.
The one more important thing in this is that when the Britishers were leaving,
they were holding the defense of both India and Pakistan in their hands.
Both the commanders were Britisher.
This is a good thing because if it were not like this,
than there would have been a lot of despute.
And now Hyderabad and Jammu and Kashmir are left.
The King of Hyderabad was Muslim and wanted to join Pakistan
but this was not practically possible as Hyderabad was situated in the middle.
So this was not possible.
And second thing is that in Junagarh's case, he saw the condition of the king, so he was terrified.
So he signed an agreement with the government of India,
which is also called a standstill agreement.
A standstill agreement means that whatever it is now, will remain as it is and
after one year it will be decided whether to go with India or Pakistan.
And Patel Ji too was okay with this because now he had to focus on Jammu and Kashmir.
As you will see now, the merger of Junagarh and Hyderabad with Pakistan was not practically possible.
That is why Pakistan faced so many problems.
Even if they would have join with Pakistan somehow,
then they would have faced the same situation as Bangladesh.
But Jammu and Kashmir share a border with Pakistan.
And Jinnah has seen the plebiscite in Junagarh.
He was very hopeful that if plebiscite would happen in Kashmir's case,
then the decision will come in their favor
as there was a majority of Muslim people.
With time, their obsession with Kashmir was also increasing.
The King of Jammu and Kashmir, King Hari Singh, was a Hindu
and the majority of people there were Muslims.
The King did not want to leave his throne at any cost.
That's why whatever options were available in front of him,
they were the ones with all the problems.
If king Hari Singh joins Pakistan, but Pakistan is an Islamic nation
and it will be very difficult for a Hindu king to survive there.
He knew this thing very well.
If he joins India, then Nehru Ji is always talking about democracy,
talking about conducting elections.
If elections happen there, the majority is of Muslim people he won't become a king anyway.
King Hari Singh loved his throne very much.
If he remains independent, then also, everybody knew very well that whichever princely states
will come in the middle of these two countries will face many problems.
So it was very difficult for king Hari Singh also to take the decision.
With the increasing time, the obsession of Pakistan towards Kashmir was also increasing
The biggest problem in front of them was that their army was in the hands of Britishers.
So they could not attack Kashmir even if they wanted to.
Pakistan prepared an army of 10 thousand people who looked like civilians,
"Azaad Kashmir Fauj", which can attack Kashmir.
It's not like I am stating false facts just because I am an Indian.
Whatever I have said here, were accepted by Pakistan in the UN.
And this is on paper.
Whatever things I am telling in this blog are available on the internet,
all the documents are available.
You can verify anything.
I am not saying anything from my mind.
When Hari Singh came to know about Azaad Kashmir Fauj, he was very sure that he will win very easily.
His chief of the army, Rajendra Singh tried to explain to him
that there is a possibility that the Muslims in our army can betray us and join Pakistan.
King Hari Singh too did not have any other option,
as these people moved forward, the same thing happened which Rajendra Singh was scared of.
And they went out of control.
When these people reached Baramulla, they caused so much destruction,
that those people have not forgotten till today.
The way the defense of Pakistan was in the hands of the British,
in the same way, the defense of India was also in the hands of the Britisher.
Now India cannot make Azaad(Independent) army in just a day,
so they talked to Mountbatten.
Mountbatten's stance was very clear that they will not use their army to attack someone.
We will use our army in only one condition if we were being attacked and we have to defend ourselves
and because Kashmir was not part of India then, we cannot attack them.
When Pakistan's army was just 50 kilometers away from Srinagar,
King Hari Singh asked India for their help.
India sent V.V. Menon to Hari Singh with one document.
Hari Singh signed the document and Kashmir became part of India.
Some people who do not consider Kashmir to be part of India,
says that this document was a conditional agreement.
This does not mean that Kashmir has become the part of India.
This document which was signed was the same
that was signed by the other princely states, when they joined India.
When India started withdrawing its forces from one side, Pakistan also tried to withdraw its forces.
They talked to Britishers but they got the same answer from Britishers
that Mountbatten had given to India
that Kashmir is not part of India and if we land our forces now,
then it will be considered an "attack" rather than "defense".
Jinnah was very furious about the agreement between Kashmir and India.
He called Mountbatten and talked to him that they will not consider this agreement
as when agreement was signed between Junagarh and Pakistan
the agreement was considered invalid and a plebiscite was conducted.
Mountbatten had also given the same indications that when there will be peace here,
then here also, there will be a plebiscite.
After this two things happened due to which India's stance became weak
The first thing is that Nehru Ji announced on stage that when the war will be over,
there will be a plebiscite.
And the second thing is that the war which was going on for one and a half years,
Nehru Ji went to the UN to resolve these controversies.
And those who were unhappy about Nehru Ji going to the UN
were saying that the war was going on for more than a year and a half
it could have been extended a little bit more so that they could have taken the entire area
rather than going to the UN.
The UN's resolution came, there were three points in that
The first point was that stay wherever you are and do not continue the fight further.
The second point was that Pakistan's forces have to evacuate from Kashmir,
and then India's forces will withdraw themselves.
The third point was that when these two forces will get back
then the citizens will decide whether they want to go to Pakistan
or India or they want to remain independent.
This means there will be voting there, a plebiscite will be conducted.
Since then till today the point at which the fight has stopped is called LOC, "Line of Control"
and the area in which there is Pakistan is called Pakistan Occupied Kashmir
Since then till today there has been no solution for it.
Thank-you 🙏

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